The Sustainable Development Foundation becomes the Italian member of Transport & Environment (T&E), a Brussels-based NGO association promoting sustainable transport at a European level. T&E is committed to the reduction of environmental impacts of every type of transport: from cars to trucks, from aviation to shipping.
T&E is a point of reference in Brussels. The recent Mind the Gap report presents the difference between the test emissions declared by car manufacturers to stay within the parameters requested by the EU Commission and the real-world emissions, which are on average 38% higher than the declared emissions.
The activities of the Sustainable Development Foundation on mobility include the publication in 2013 of the research Towards a plan for the reduction of transport CO2 emissions in Italy, together with the Italian Ministry of Environment. More recently the Foundation has presented the report Green Economy and road vehicles: an Italian way, focused on LPG and CNG as “bridging” technologies with lower environmental impact which can promote the development of Green Economy in Italy, and the report Genoa-Rotterdam: a Sustainable Corridor. The Foundation provides technical support to the International Union of Railways (UIC) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) for the Railway Handbooks on Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions, which analyse the consumption and emissions of world railways.
“Campaigning for smarter, greener transport in Europe”
April - 2015